The drive runs from July 4th weekend through Labor Day Weekend.
Envelopes for monetary donations (made out to St. Francis Outreach and dropped in the collection basket) and tags with clothing items and sizes listed on them are hanging on our Christmas in Summer Trees located by the welcome tables.
You will notice that some tags list adult sizes. This is in response to the school counselors’ request that we include Middle School Children.
Once you have purchased your fall/winter back to school clothing items, simply place it in the blue St. Francis Outreach barrel located in the parish center next to the restrooms, with the tag attached.
Through the generosity of Sacred Heart of Mary Parishioner and visitors, local public school children in need will receive two pairs of pants, three shirts, and several pairs of socks. We wish you all could see the joy and gratitude of these children when they receive their new clothes! Thank you in advance for making a difference in the lives of these children!